Saturday 27 June 2015

Essay "Blessings of science" by Uroosa Noor

"Science is a way of thinking much more than it is a body of knowledge."
Nowadays,We live in the age of science. It has changed the face of our earth or world. Scientific invention like computer, satellite, X-ray, radium, plastic surgery, cellular phone, photography and machine have been proved very useful. They have given much comfort ease convenience. These are due to hard and continuous work of our scientist.
Electricity is one of the invaluable gifts of science. It has been proved to be a boon in this modern world. It has saved us from unnecessary toil it gives us lights. It keeps our room warm. It moves our fans. It boils water for us. A crane lifts up very heavy loads for us with the help of electricity.
Machines are our extra limbs. They weave clothes for us. Productions of goods are cheap and quick. We can fly like birds. We can cross the sea like fish. Computer and calculator do the work of accounted and clerks. Guns and firearms save our life in danger. Radio and television sings for us.
In the medical field new drugs have been invented. They have been popular and useful to us. Sometimes a single dose of drug ends dose pain. A weeping child begins to smile. Thus we see that science serves us like a good servant.
We should remember that our ill are not due to science. It is its wrong use which has created harm. The proper uses of scientific things are really a boon, while its wrong use is a curse. This is why Prof. Hardy wrote, ‘science is an angle in peace but devil in war.’

Friday 26 June 2015

Essay " A natural disaster" by Uroosa Noor

Natural disasters are natural events that cause the loss of lives and property. Sometimes hundreds and thousands are killed, and millions of dollars of property are destroyed. What are these events and what causes them ?
"We cannot stop natural disasters but we can arm ourselves with many lives wouldn't have to be lost if there was enough disaster preparedness."
The earth is a dynamic entity that is undergoing changes all the time. Normal changes such as those occurring to the weather and the seasons are part and parcel of living. We live our lives according to these changes. However, sometimes the forces of nature cause great and drastic changes, and for us puny human beings, the effect can be disastrous.There are many types of natural events that can spell disaster for us. They include earthquakes, volcanoes,floods and many more.
The earth crust is made up of a number of plates. At some places on the crust, lava, ash, smoke etc breaks through and the result is volcanos. Sometimes the eruption is so violent that it destroys living things that are nearer to it. In 2004, underwater volcanic eruptions in the Indian Ocean caused tsunamis again killed hundreds of thousands living nearby.The plates of the earth crust are not static. They push and grind against one another producing earthquakes that sometimes cause widespread destruction to the affected area.
In addition to volcanic eruptions and earthquakes, other natural phenomena also brings destruction. In Malaysia, the Northeast monsoon rains that come around December bring floods to the east coast of the peninsula. In Australia, bushfires in summer destroy vast tracts of land.
No place on earth is totally free from disaster-causing events. We can only do our best to deal with these events when they occur. People and property are destroyed. Those who survive pick up the pieces and continue living.

Essay "Blessings of science" by Ezza Fatima class X-B

'Science is a way of thinking much more than it is a body of knowledge.'
Just about 6,000 years ago man lived in a cave.He dressed himself in skin.He fed himself by hunting and fishing.He had to make with is own hands everything he needed.He went on long distance by his own legs.His world was dark,difficult,narrow and dangerous. Modern world has vastly different life.His world is bright,easy,comfortably and reasonably safe.He is now well fed,dressed and clothed.Older physical exertion is no longer necessary for him.
It is because of science that has brought ''brave new world.''The life of leisure and pleasure,in so far as science has done,it is blessing.Let us first look at the bright side of modern science has made wonderful machines.It has discovered marvelous engines which run these machines.Men need no longer toil and moil with his hands and legs.Most of his work machine do for him.The dream of push-button existence has come true for him.
Distance has been annihilated.Modern communication and transport have made the world shrink almost to nothing.Men and things news and views can girdle the globe with lightning speed.Inter-planetary travel is now a certainty.We are now on the eye of colonizing new planets.
Our life have became more healthier.Modern hygiene,sensation,medicine surgery are conquering more and more physical and mental ills day by day.No diseases beyond cure not.The longevity of life increased.The qiunie has finished malaria and glucose injection has provide a new life of dyeing man.The scientific progress is amazing.
Science has filled the entertainment in the heart of million peoples by inventing radios,televisions,LED,LCD and camera and mobile phones etc.The best discovery is electricity which have provide light to world.
The discovery and development of a large number of powerful energy sources-coal, petroleum, natural gas, electricity etc. have enabled humanity to conquer the barriers of nature. Science is a help in the agriculture field too. The food production levels and quality have improved by multiple factors. Today, we have scores of meteorological satellites to trace the progress of rains, winds and even locusts that endanger crops.
These are not however only the advantages of science.Man has been benefited in every sphere of his activity.He may use in whatever way he like whether to conquer disease and knowledge or to increase his speed or may use it in making bomb and destroy his own beings.

Sunday 14 June 2015

Essay "My favorite personality" by Syeda Maryam Mehboob

Every person in the world has an ideal which is his favourite personality. The personality I like the most is the founder of Pakistan, the great leader Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. He was the man of principles and acted upon whatever he said or promised to do.

Muhammad Ali Jinnah was born on 25th december 1856, in Karachi. His father Jinnah Poonja was a great trader. Muhammad Ali passed his matriculation at the age of 16 and then was sent to London for higher studies,where he received his law degree. He was the lawyer first time in Bombay and then in Karachi.
Quaid-e-Azam was deeply interested in politics. He was an intelligent political leader. He always showed a great courage. sence of responsibility and dedication to his cause. He was the member of congress but after realizing the politics of congress against Muslims, in 1913 he left congress and joined Muslim league. he was a purposeful man of untiring sprit. He devoted his life for Pakistan. It was his vision, courage and dedication that he overcame the huge problems of Pakistan.
Quaid-e-Azam was great supporter of young generation of students and considered them the future arsenal of Islam and Pakistan. He advised to the students to pay their due attention towards their education.
Quaid-e-Azam was the first Governor General of Pakistan. Through his wisdom hr created national spirit and sense of patriotism among the people on different issues. As a Governor general, he advised the people of Pakistan to feel pride in calling themselves as Pakistani and refrain from any kind of racial discriminations.
Quaid-e-Azam possessed a pleasant personality combine with polished manners. His presence in the gathering remain an attraction for others. He sacrificed his life for Pakistan and died on 11th september in 1948.

Someone said,

Friday 12 June 2015

Essay "My favorite personality" by Syeda Maryam Mehboob

Every person in the world has an ideal which is his favourite personality. The personality I like the most is the founder of Pakistan, the great leader Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. He was the man of principles and acted upon whatever he said or promised to do.

Muhammad Ali Jinnah was born on 25th december 1856, in Karachi. His father Jinnah Poonja was a great trader. Muhammad Ali passed his matriculation at the age of 16and then was sent to London for higher studies,where he recieved his law degree. He was the lawyer first time in Bombay and then in Karachi.
Quaid-e-Azam was deeply interested in politics. He was an intelligent political leader. He always showed a great courage. sence of responsibility and dedication to his cause. He was the member of congress but after realizing the politics of congress against Muslims, in 1913 he left congress and joined Muslim league. he was a purposeful man of untiring spirit. He devoted his life for Pakistan. It was his vision, courage and dedication that he overcame the huge problems of Pakistan.
Quaid-e-Azam was great supporter of young generation of students and considered them the future arsenal of Islam and Pakistan. He advised to the students to pay their due attention towards their education.
Quaid-e-Azam was the first Governor General of Pakistan. Through his wisdom hr created national spirit and sense of patriotism among the people on different issues. As a Governor general, he advised the people of Pakistan to feel pride in calling themselves as Pakistani and refrain from any kind of racial discriminations.
Quaid-e-Azam possessed a pleasant personality combine with polished manners. His presence in the gathering remain an attraction for others. He sacrificed his life for Pakistan and died on 11th september in 1948.

Someone said,

Wednesday 10 June 2015

Essay "My favorite personality" by Maryam Arif

"It's beauty that captures your attention; personality which captures your heart".
Great and true leader live eternally. Everyone in this world like a person whom he follow and admire. Indeed Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was truly one of the greatest visionary leader of the modern era and he is my favorite personality.
Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto's political philosophy and democratic constitutional policies are logical, providing basis and guiding principles for all times to come.
He was born in 1928 and completed his early education from Bombay's Cathedral High School and then joined University of Southern of California at Berkeley in 1949.After completing his degree with honors in science at Berkeley in 1950,he was admitted to Oxford.
His first major achievement was to conclude the Sino-Pakistan boundary agreement on march 12, 1963.
Zulfikar Ali Bhutto launched Pakistan Peoples Party after leaving Ayub's Cabinet.In the general elections held in December 1970,PPP won a large majority in West Pakistan but failed to reach an agreement with Sheikh Mujib-ur-Rehman, the majority winner from East Pakistan. Yahya Khan resigned and Bhutto took over as President and Chief Martial Law Administrator on December 20, 1971.
In 1972 Bhutto nationalized ten categories of major industries and withdrew Pakistan from the commonwealth of nations.On March 1, he introduced land reforms and on July 2, 1972 ,signed the Simla agreement with India. Bhutto laid the foundation of Pakistan's first steel mill at Pipri near Karachi.
Shaheed Bhutto by virtue of his statesmanship qualities steered the nation towards the destination of peace,progress and stability under extremely challenging and difficult circumstances.No doubt he was a leader who wanted to see Pakistan as a modern country and to walk side by side of America and other developed countries.His services as a leader are unforgetable.

"Personality is the glitter that sends your little gleam across the footlights and the orchestra pit into that big black space where the audience is".

Tuesday 9 June 2015

Essay "An interesting cricket match" by Syeda Maryam Mehboob

Many interesting matches have been played in the history of cricket .The semi-final between New Zealand and South Africa of 2015 World Cup was one of them.
South Africa bat first and gave a huge target of 298 runs in 43 overs.Captain AB Develliers and Faf Duplessis played splendid innings that was not an easy task.New Zealand took a flashing and smashing start.The Kiwis made a pile of runs in very few overs.South African bowlers controlled the situation very soon.But poor fielding in the last moment could not stop Kiwis for a victory.
The last moments of the match were quite sensational.20 runs
required off 12 balls when catch was dropped and hence Grant Elliot the danger man got a new life.Poor fielding in the last moment bred contempt for the proteas.Still the chance for both the teams was 50-50.2 balls were left and 5 runs required,The 2nd Last ball was coming up.Elliot the man of the moment and man of crises was on the crease as soon as dale styen delivered the ball.Elliot swang his bat with full power.The ball went up in the air over the boundary time for a six.New Zealand had won the match that was a wonderful and cheerful moment for Kiwis because they had reached the final first time.
It was literally an exciting and nail biting match that can never be scratched from the memory.

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essay "• An interesting cricket match" by Saad Sheikh

Cricket is a pressure game, and when it comes to an India-Pakistan match the pressure is doubled.
We spend three days of our last week in the HBL Karachi North Cricket stadium ,watching a very interesting cricket match. It was played between the teams of The Educator Dar-us-Salam campus and nasara schools.Both team were quite strong and the match was very interesting.
The match started at But the spectators had reached the play ground from early morning. We were astonished to see such a huge crowd. The captains of the teams arrived in the ground only ten minutes before the fixed time. they inspected the pitch and then the players of both the teams were introduced to the umpires.
the first innings of the game started exactly at On the first day,the Nasara school team had to field, while the The Educator school team was batting. the game become thrilling from the very start. The first wicket fell after the first two overs and Anas was out for only seven runs. now Rehan and Rafay started to play. They played very carefully,and increased the score slowly but steadily. At last at about 10-30 Rafay was out and Azhar place took his place.The game become more interesting when Azhar hit two fours. people clapped their hands with joy and the students of the two schools encouraged their players by raising interesting slogans.
The first inning of the match was over by and the score of the both team was quite high. the second innings was played on the next two days. Thus the game continued for three days . On all these days there was a great rush. The The Educator team scored 561 runs in both the innings, while the nasara school team scored only 540. Thus, The Educator school team won the match by a very narrow margin.
The match was very interesting and everybody enjoyed the match and praised the players.

Essay "Blessing of Science" by Saad Shaikh

Everything is theoretically impossible until it is done"Robert.A.Heinlein.
Science is defined as the generalization of the principles which govern the phenomena of Nature of mind."It is nothing,"says Huxley,"but trained and organized common sense."It is not be measured in terms of practical services alone, though it may or does, contribute a great deal too human comforts and material prosperity. science is truly to speak, an intellectual outlook. It is rightly regarded by many as a standard truth and a gospel of light.
The present is an age of science."It is of the people, by the people and for the people."Now-a-days in all civilized parts of the world people live and move and even think in terms of science and it's gifts to mankind. It has rendered possible a safe flight in the air, safety in finer, transmission of news of various kinds from one corner of the world to another in no time, and so on and so forth.
The advantages derived from these and other glorious achievements of science, such as swift locomotion, gramophone, telephone, television, cinema,medicines, X-ray etc are so intimately linked with our modern life that it is simply next yo impossibility to conceive of modern civilization and cultural progress something apart from science. The world of the means of communication has been simplify revolutionized by the invention of wireless.
Science has brought revolution in life. It has changed the style of life. People have adapted themselves to the scientific invention. New inventions replace the older ones used to watch black and white T.V now they watch only color T.V. Our life is luxurious and comfortable due to the blessing and wonders of science today.

Wednesday 3 June 2015

Essay "A Picnic At Seaside" by NITASHA RAIS

"The sea casts it spell,Hold one in it forever"
This was a pleasant day of summer in the month of july me and my family planed to have picnic at seaside and then we packed our some of important things like music instruments for our enjoyment and more other things.
we all get up early in the morning and get ready for picnic at seaside and then we went to some hotel and have something for the breakfast and have breakfast and then went to the seaside and enjoyed very much and then it become noon so my mother calls us for have some rest and we have some rest and eat something and some of us play cards and some tells funny stories for the enjoyment for ours.
Now is time for again enjoyment we all went into the water and have swim in the sea now it's evening we have lots of them my parents ask to went back to home because it was sunset and then we again have diner and went back to home
After that we planed to visit playland and went to play land and enjoyed there very much. at the playland the environment was very nice we have enjoyed with the playing materials that was actually very nice.
from the way we went to my maternals home and dropped our czn there and we stayed there for 1 hour, we also enjoy there very much and leave for our home After an hour we went to home and have bath and have rest because we all have got so much tied .
Hence this was very nice picnic of the seaside because we have enjoyed it very well and this was very memorable for me and my family i will always remember it .

Saturday 23 May 2015

Anonymous Submission for Essay My Favourite Personality "The Holy Prophet Peace Be Upon Him"

Everyone in the world must like someone whom he loves very much.My favourite personality is Hazrat Muhammad(Sm).He the last prophet of Allah and the leader of all prophets. . There is none like him. He is good, pure and noble man.Allah also likes him very much .
Personality has power to uplift, power to depress, power to curse, and power to bless
Hazrat Muhammad (Sm) was born in the famous Quraish tribe of Mecca in 570 A. D. His father Abdullah died before his birth, and his mother Amena died he was only six. So he became an orphan when he was still an infant. He was brought up by a nurse named Halima.
His grandfather, Abdul Muttalib and his uncle abu taleb took care of the boy. Early in life Hazrat Muhammad passed through many trials and sufferings. He got no opportunity for learning.
He was sent down by Allah for the good of mankind. From his boyhood he was thoughtful honest and truthful. He was called Al-Amin. He carried on trade under his uncle and went to Syria several times on commercial visits.Hazrat Muhammad (Sm) married with beautiful,rich and a widow Hazrat Khadija(R.A) at the age of 25, became the master of her vast wealth. But wife and riches had no effect on his character. At last at the age of forty light dawned upon him and he got the new truth. He preached: “there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah to preach this great to the world.” This is the religion of Islam.
Than they put every difficulty in his path. So for the sake of religion he sent many of his followers to medina and than in 622 A.D. he himself went there. This is called the Hijrat from this date the Islamic calendar. Many of them accepted his faith. But the people of Mecca attacked medina several times to kill the prophet and to wipe out Islam. Thus the prophet and his followers were forced to fight a number of battles like Badar, Ohud and khandak. But every time the evils designs were failed. At last the prophet conquered Mecca in 630 A. D. and succeeded in bringing all Arabs to his faith. The prophet did not take any retaliation.
He taught the people the virtue of forgiveness. He asked them to do well to others and worship Allah. The Quran was revealed to him by Allah and the hadith which contains his sayings taught the Muslims many noble virtues to make them a great world force later on.This great and novel soul passed away in 632 A.D. at the age of 63. But his work and teachings remain and will be followed as long as the world lasts. He made Muslims brothers of one another, built a great nation and powerful state. At present one fifth of the people of the world are the followers of this great and true religion.We should have to follow him to become a true religious person

essay "My Favourite Personality" by Saad Sheikh

Every person in this world has a hero. People have heroes because they really admire that person and they really look up to that person. They want to do what they have done and they have achieved in their life.Like every person,I also have a hero is Quaid-E-Azam.

With faith,discipline and selfless devotion to duty,there is nothing worthwhile that you can not achieve
Man is a hero-worshiper by nature. He always regard one person or the other as his ideal. To me Quaid-E-Azam is an ideal hero. I honour him not only because he fought the battle of independence and won our dear motherland for us but also because he was a great man. Although he had a lean and thin body,he had a strong heart and very sharp intellect.

What attracts me towards the great Quaid is the fact that he was a great warrior-hero. He fought an intelligent but peaceful battle against two enemies-the Hindu Nationalists and the British Imperialists-at one and the same time. Some time his man felt disheartened and impatient. His enemies called him a reactionary and a "toady",but he push forward with courage;and ultimately, succeeded in his purpose.

Mr.Jinnah was a sober and cool-headed man with a very strong willpower. If he once he was convinced of anything,he did his best to achieve it. He started his career as a barrister in Bombay, and, in spite of a strong Hindu majority in that profession ,he has rose to a very high position by dint of hardwork. Then he join the All-India Congress, and there too he was regarded as one of the strongest men of the party. At last, being dissatisfied with the policies of Hindu nationalists, he went away to England to practice law.

After the great one War"1"the Indian Muslim developed a political awareness under the guidance of Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar and his worthy brother, Maulana Shaukat Ali. They formed an organization called, "The All-India Muslim League ."In 1936 Quaid-e-Azam was requested to come back to his country to take charge of this political party. The great Quaid agreed and took over as president of All-India Muslim League. Now all the Muslims came under its flag,and the pakistan Resolution was passed in 1940. Quaid-e-Azam leadership inspired even the most adult man, and the Muslim were able to win Pakistan in 1947. Perhaps no other political party in the world ever achieved so much as was done by the All-India Muslim League under Quaid-e-Azam's leadership in such a short time.

His iron will and firm determination inspired everyone. Today called him 'Quaid-e-Azam, the great leader. He died in 1948 and his followers in gloom. Let us pray that the principles that he followed, and the country that he created, may live for ever.

Thursday 14 May 2015

Standard Pattern for writing application

[Designation of the person whom you are writing application],
[Name of Institute],
[Campus (if any otherwise avoid it)],

[One Liner / Subject of application]

[Salutation (i.e. Sir/Madam)],
[Start application with words of respect (With due honour / Most respectfully/This is humbly submitted that)][Introduce yourself (State your class and section)]. [State the reason/ Issue/ matter], therefore [State the consequence/ result/outcome/what has happened in response].
[With respect make your request],[State your gratitude].
Yours Obediently,
[Yours Name]

Date: dd/mm/yy