Saturday 23 May 2015

Anonymous Submission for Essay My Favourite Personality "The Holy Prophet Peace Be Upon Him"

Everyone in the world must like someone whom he loves very much.My favourite personality is Hazrat Muhammad(Sm).He the last prophet of Allah and the leader of all prophets. . There is none like him. He is good, pure and noble man.Allah also likes him very much .
Personality has power to uplift, power to depress, power to curse, and power to bless
Hazrat Muhammad (Sm) was born in the famous Quraish tribe of Mecca in 570 A. D. His father Abdullah died before his birth, and his mother Amena died he was only six. So he became an orphan when he was still an infant. He was brought up by a nurse named Halima.
His grandfather, Abdul Muttalib and his uncle abu taleb took care of the boy. Early in life Hazrat Muhammad passed through many trials and sufferings. He got no opportunity for learning.
He was sent down by Allah for the good of mankind. From his boyhood he was thoughtful honest and truthful. He was called Al-Amin. He carried on trade under his uncle and went to Syria several times on commercial visits.Hazrat Muhammad (Sm) married with beautiful,rich and a widow Hazrat Khadija(R.A) at the age of 25, became the master of her vast wealth. But wife and riches had no effect on his character. At last at the age of forty light dawned upon him and he got the new truth. He preached: “there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah to preach this great to the world.” This is the religion of Islam.
Than they put every difficulty in his path. So for the sake of religion he sent many of his followers to medina and than in 622 A.D. he himself went there. This is called the Hijrat from this date the Islamic calendar. Many of them accepted his faith. But the people of Mecca attacked medina several times to kill the prophet and to wipe out Islam. Thus the prophet and his followers were forced to fight a number of battles like Badar, Ohud and khandak. But every time the evils designs were failed. At last the prophet conquered Mecca in 630 A. D. and succeeded in bringing all Arabs to his faith. The prophet did not take any retaliation.
He taught the people the virtue of forgiveness. He asked them to do well to others and worship Allah. The Quran was revealed to him by Allah and the hadith which contains his sayings taught the Muslims many noble virtues to make them a great world force later on.This great and novel soul passed away in 632 A.D. at the age of 63. But his work and teachings remain and will be followed as long as the world lasts. He made Muslims brothers of one another, built a great nation and powerful state. At present one fifth of the people of the world are the followers of this great and true religion.We should have to follow him to become a true religious person

essay "My Favourite Personality" by Saad Sheikh

Every person in this world has a hero. People have heroes because they really admire that person and they really look up to that person. They want to do what they have done and they have achieved in their life.Like every person,I also have a hero is Quaid-E-Azam.

With faith,discipline and selfless devotion to duty,there is nothing worthwhile that you can not achieve
Man is a hero-worshiper by nature. He always regard one person or the other as his ideal. To me Quaid-E-Azam is an ideal hero. I honour him not only because he fought the battle of independence and won our dear motherland for us but also because he was a great man. Although he had a lean and thin body,he had a strong heart and very sharp intellect.

What attracts me towards the great Quaid is the fact that he was a great warrior-hero. He fought an intelligent but peaceful battle against two enemies-the Hindu Nationalists and the British Imperialists-at one and the same time. Some time his man felt disheartened and impatient. His enemies called him a reactionary and a "toady",but he push forward with courage;and ultimately, succeeded in his purpose.

Mr.Jinnah was a sober and cool-headed man with a very strong willpower. If he once he was convinced of anything,he did his best to achieve it. He started his career as a barrister in Bombay, and, in spite of a strong Hindu majority in that profession ,he has rose to a very high position by dint of hardwork. Then he join the All-India Congress, and there too he was regarded as one of the strongest men of the party. At last, being dissatisfied with the policies of Hindu nationalists, he went away to England to practice law.

After the great one War"1"the Indian Muslim developed a political awareness under the guidance of Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar and his worthy brother, Maulana Shaukat Ali. They formed an organization called, "The All-India Muslim League ."In 1936 Quaid-e-Azam was requested to come back to his country to take charge of this political party. The great Quaid agreed and took over as president of All-India Muslim League. Now all the Muslims came under its flag,and the pakistan Resolution was passed in 1940. Quaid-e-Azam leadership inspired even the most adult man, and the Muslim were able to win Pakistan in 1947. Perhaps no other political party in the world ever achieved so much as was done by the All-India Muslim League under Quaid-e-Azam's leadership in such a short time.

His iron will and firm determination inspired everyone. Today called him 'Quaid-e-Azam, the great leader. He died in 1948 and his followers in gloom. Let us pray that the principles that he followed, and the country that he created, may live for ever.

Thursday 14 May 2015

Standard Pattern for writing application

[Designation of the person whom you are writing application],
[Name of Institute],
[Campus (if any otherwise avoid it)],

[One Liner / Subject of application]

[Salutation (i.e. Sir/Madam)],
[Start application with words of respect (With due honour / Most respectfully/This is humbly submitted that)][Introduce yourself (State your class and section)]. [State the reason/ Issue/ matter], therefore [State the consequence/ result/outcome/what has happened in response].
[With respect make your request],[State your gratitude].
Yours Obediently,
[Yours Name]

Date: dd/mm/yy